BLOGPOST: Make a Difference in 2013

“My New Year’s resolution is to stop eating sweets and start eating healthier.”

“In 2013, I will spend more time with my family.”

“My resolution this year is to join the local gym and exercise more.”

We’ve all heard these stereotypical New Year’s resolutions before. Once the clock strikes midnight and January 1st arrives, we’re always determined to make this year different with our new goals in mind.

As I reflected back on 2012, I realized that the year’s highlights were when I was giving to others. From planning and directing “Bless This Dress” Prom Dress Drive for local high school girls who couldn’t afford a gown last spring to August’s Back-to-School event where I helped distribute school supplies to students in need, I immersed myself in giving and dedicated time for others. This year, I plan to continue paying it forward.

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